There used to be a blogger named Nikhil Chawla, whose passion were blogging & photography. If that’s the case then why there hasn’t been any update from him. There is no reason to justify that but there are endless reason for his absence. Let’s first have a look at the reasons he has to give and then let the readers be the judge. We interviewed Nikhil Chawla to know why and where has he vanished. Here is the interview :
Ques: Hi Nikhil, how are you doing?
Ans: I am doing just fine, don’t get taken aback with my beard as its just there for no reason What about you, How you doing?
Ques: Do you know who we are and why we are here?
Ans: Yes, I think you are from the Independent Bloggers Alliance and you want to interview me about my blog.
Ques: Thats correct, I am Tina from IBA but I am not here to ask you about your blog, instead I am here to ask you – Why did you leave blogging?
Ans: To be very frank Tina, I didn’t really leave blogging but the circumstances were such that I never got an opportunity to blog. There were times, when I noticed or experienced something which I instantly wanted to blog and share it with my readers but could never really do it. I was invited to so many Blogger meets, people wrote mails to me asking me to start writing again, I was sent products from all over the World for reviews and my take on them but nothing really could motivate me enough to get back. Infact, I started to write a few times and all those entries are still in the draft section which I hope I publish them someday.
Ques: I wonder what could have changed you so much that you stopped doing what you loved?
Ans: It wasn’t just one thing or one incident that changed it for me. It was a set of unfortunate events that changed it all around for me. I wont be able to answer it publicly in detail but it was related to me quitting my job with Microsoft and then starting my own business which really didn’t do well and I had to shut it down too. My personal life was also in a turmoil after my breakup, I still haven’t overcome all of this, so once I do, I might make a comeback.
Ques: Do you have any idea how helpful your blog has been for the people who needed info about – Frozen Shoulder; GTN spray; Auto Expo; India Peace Campaign; etc.
Ans: I have a fair idea of it as I keep getting a lot of queries about Frozen shoulder asking me for therapy and other things. A lot of people thank me for the article ‘Quack Quack – The Doctor’ as they didnt end up repeating the same mistake as my friend Atul did. Infact just today I received a long mail from a gentleman from Gurgoan sharing with me his mother’s story and how this article saved his mother’s life.
Ques: I wanted to ask you this question offline but I will ask it live only – Will you please get back to blogging for me? As I represent the general public right now and I want you to bring more social issues to light and help spread awareness.
Ans: If thats the case then I would not say no and act like a prick. I still remember how my last article ‘It happens only in India – Mera Bharat Mahaan’ and how the police officials called me and asked me to take it off.
So Nikhil, I take it as a promise from your end that you will be back with a purpose sooner then we expect and help make this world a better place to live. Looking forward to read your next article in a day or two
Thanks for your valuable time and warm hospitality.
- Tina (IBA Network)